Sunday, June 30, 2013

Do you feel ready to turn in half way through the day?  Or maybe your working several jobs.  Or maybe your boss has got you working some goofy hours.  Or maybe your taking on the most exhausting job, being a full time parent.  I've been in your shoes.  I really have.  That's why I'm writing this to you now.  We can all use some help from time to time.  An extra boost to keep us healthy, happy and energized.

Unlike the game, life is most of the time spent using your physical and mental energy.  Leaving a lot of us exhausted and fatigued.  In my case, this was effecting family time with my wife and daughter.  Little did I know how much of an effect this was causing.  I knew it needed to change.  So I made it my priority to figure out how to heal and boost my energy.  After loads of research and much trial and error, I have come up with a list of "72 Ways to Heal and Boost Your Energy."

I'm offering this book to you for just a small donation.  All of my hard work and research into one book.  Buy me lunch and this book is yours to start feeling that boost you've been looking for.  I do appreciate your help and live a healthy more energized life today!